Saturday, November 9, 2013

Yolanda PH

A few hours ago, one of the strongest typhoons to ever hit our nation just left the Philippine Area of Responsibility, leaving a terrifying remembrance of its trail through the country.

Being the "strongest typhoon to strike land," super-typhoon Yolanda (known as Typhoon Haiyan internationally), brought out wise and encouraging words from many people both locally and globally.

Remember the famous F4 and San Cai from Meteor Garden, one of the biggest Taiwanese drama to land in Philippine television? They've expressed their awe of the Filipinos' ability to smile in the middle of the storm.

CNN has expressed the same as well, taking notice of the unwavering smile of our countrymen.

But a few of the best words I've read so far were from our fellow countrymen. Here's a post on Facebook from Quest, a renowned OPM artist.

This suddenly gave me the urge to stand up with my head held high. Truly, we Filipinos are stronger than what we think.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Cor. 4:8-9)

And another post on Facebook, perhaps the one post that really stuck to my mind and heart, was from a friend of mine. This is what he said:

When I first read this, I died a little inside. Only because it was so true that it broke my heart.

We've all seen posts with the hashtag: #PrayForThePhilippines, right? I'm pretty sure a lot of them came from people who can't even thank God before they eat. And well, James' status have said it all.

May that be a reminder that prayer isn't just a few words you say when things are going wrong. As James put it, it's a lifestyle.

I'm not one to watch the news every night. Which means that sometimes after storms hit our country I never really understand how bad it is unless I actually experienced it. But this time, even just by seeing a few parts of the news I already realized how strong and big of a storm it was.

I felt that strong tug in my heart that made me so close to crying--a feeling I don't normally get from watching the news. And as much as I hate to admit it, it really got me scared.

But a few moments later, I found myself feeling stronger and much more confident.


I remembered that despite what was happening around us, God is still God. No matter what happens, he will always be Sovereign. Nothing can change the fact that God is still in control, and He will always be there to help us get back up on our feet.

"...if we are faithless,
he remains faithful..." (2 Tim. 2:13)

God will always be God. If He can create a universe, you can be sure he can make the Philippines stand firm on its feet. And if He can give his own Son for a world of worthless sinners, you can be sure he can and will help us overcome this trial.

Because of this, we can have even more reasons to smile. Our God is a big God. He is bigger and stronger than any "supertyphoon" that may come. He is more powerful than whatever crisis or disaster that may happen. He is greater than the universe itself. He reigns over the universe. The universe bows at His feet.

He is above all things.

And he is on our side.

The great and all-powerful and almighty God is the God of this nation.

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